Jedi Archives Wiki

Battle of Hoth

  • Occupation of Bespin
  • Rescue of Han Solo

Battle of Endor

Battle of Pantora
Battle of Pantora

Galactic Civil War






Rebel Alliance victory

  • Alliance to Restore The Republic
  • Pantoran militia

Galactic Empire

  • Colonel Ledick Firest
  • Lieutenant Garlen Evoros
  • General Ion Papanoida

General Conan Barsal

The Battle of Pantora, also known as the Siege of Pantora, or as nicknamed by the Rebel troops, the Great Pantoran Slugfest, was a 3-month long siege of the planet Pantora, fought shortly after the Battle of Hoth, in 3 ABY. It took place during the Empire's Life Day Offensive, and the Rebel forces there were quickly cut off from all outside communications, as the Imperials surrounded major cities and Rebel outposts in an unsuccessful attempt to force the troops to break out of their fighting positions, which would make it easier to engage and destroy them. The Empire was unable to recreate the conditions they had achieved at Hoth earlier, so were forced to adopt an alternate strategy of attrition. The Imperials continued shelling the base, and later launched a large infantry attack against its perimeter, but the Rebels held out. Now reorganized, they were able to repel the Imperial advances of the first few weeks, leading to a stalemate.

With weekly supply drops by Y- and B-wing starfighters, the Rebels rebuilt their strength, and unaware of Alliance plans, mounted a counterattack, which led to a swift breakthrough by the Rebels and, eventually, the capture of Imperial headquarters. There, they relayed false orders and information to the remaining Imperial troops, ordering them to surrender their forces, although several, including General Barsal, were able to escape.
